Monday Journal Prompt - Things you notice

Following up from Friday's post, this week's printable journal prompt is out and, as will probably become a pretty regular occurrence, it's a little different than in past weeks . . . 

Different colour palette, different typeface, layout, and writing spaces.

But . . . 

It's still just one prompt and it can still be journaled as one page (for the whole week).

But . . . 

It can also be cut up, with some or all of the parts used in other places, like a notebook, sketchbook, planner, or bullet journal. I'm going to do both this week and I'll post my progress as I go.

In the meantime, this week's prompt is all about paying attention. What did you notice today?


Behind the scenes - a new printable journal page


What would you think of a printable journal page that you could use two ways?

What if you could fill it out as an entire page OR, depending on your journaling needs/whims, cut it up and use some or all of the elements in your notebook/sketchbook/planner/bullet journal in whichever configuration works best for you?

I've been testing out the idea, first in my journal and then in Illustrator. This pic is my starting grid. It feels like it's full of possibilities. The next step is to add my words, lines, boxes, and borders for journaling and doodling.

I can't wait to show you the finished page on Monday!


Journal Prompt - Your hopes and dreams

Our last day of prompts about things we know. This is one of my favourites, I think because it looks forward and there are all sorts of ways to journal it. I've chosen to journal about my approach to hoping and dreaming, but another way could have been to list three of my hopes and dreams. I may do that next!

Three things I know about my hopes and dreams are (1) they're not always realistic, but I'm working on creating more realistic versions of them; (2) I love having hopes and dreams outside of myself -- for other people and groups, for ideas, for places; (3) I'm not ready to give up on any of them yet.

How about you? What do you know about your hopes and dreams?


Journal Prompt - Your town or city

In the know -- day three!

Whenever I post a prompt about the places you live, your responses are always so fun and filled with pride about the neat things your cities and towns have to offer. I love learning about the places you call home in the ways only you can describe them. And I love thinking about my city in much the same way.

I live in Guelph, Ontario, which is just about an hour west of Toronto. Three things I know about Guelph:

(1) Residents of Guelph are known as Guelphites. Yep, it's true.

(2) The driving here is slow and super polite. In my experience, the majority of Guelphites drive at or slightly below the speed limit and I have personally seen mass hesitation at four-way stops because each of the four head cars is too polite to go first. (I'm assuming that last part, but correctly, I think.)

(3) In the north of the city, there's a lovely little lake called Guelph Lake. It's man-made, motorboat-free, and home to a conservation area and the Hillside music festival.

How about you? What three things do you know about your city or town?


Journal Prompt - Someone you know

It's day two of our week "in the know." 

One of the someones I adore is my husband. Three lovely little things I know about him: 

(1) His patience is nearly infinite -- like really quite something to behold. I'll be hopping up and down beside him, needing so badly for something to be finished or figured out and he will quietly and deliberately keep working away until whatever it is reaches its proper conclusion.

(2) His teaching style, both with his students and our daughters, is to guide rather to tell, so that they can learn and discover for themselves.

(3) The only place he loses his temper is in the car. It's pretty funny. The whole family teases him about it.

How about you? What three things do you know about someone you adore?


Journal Prompt - Seeing, hearing, feeling


I love prompts about noticing -- because there's so much I miss when I'm not paying attention. I also love prompts with gentle juxtapositions -- like looking outside, then inside in the moment.

Right now, I see snow -- lots of it, I hear machines -- the fan on my computer, traffic outside, a rumbly furnace, and I feel ... hmm, honestly, I feel hopeful in this moment. Which I'm glad I noticed.

How about you? If you stop right now, just for moment, what do you notice?