The Opposite of Boring: 10 Contradictory Journal Prompts To Energize Your Journaling

Using Contrasts to Energize Your Journaling - Image by Christie Zimmer.jpg

Just because journaling is good for you, doesn’t mean it should feel like a chore. Your journal entries can be funny, daring, irreverent, playful, completely off the wall, or some wild combination of each of those things.

Whatever gets you writing.

One thing that gets me writing is turning ideas upside down and inside out. Experimenting with new perspectives leads to new insights and that’s what I’m in it for – the surprises, the a-ha moments, the sudden understanding of something about myself that I didn’t recognize until just this moment.

That’s how I see these prompts, as opportunities to get to know yourself better. Which is no small or insignificant thing. The better you know yourself, the better equipped you are to make decisions that reflect your individual strengths, suit your personal circumstances, and take into account your current needs.

Taking it one step further, understanding your decisions and their outcomes puts you in an excellent position to learn from your experiences, discover problem-solving strategies that work for you, and make even wiser decisions going forward. All good stuff!

To give you a few ways to get to know yourself a little better that don’t feel like homework, I’ve made a list of 10 journal prompts that are all kinds of contrary.

These first six are favourites from my past journal work:

1. One thing you used to think was impossible, but you went ahead and did anyway.

Try following up with: One thing that feels impossible now, but probably isn’t. Then: One small step you can take today toward making the impossible possible once again.

2. One place other than home that feels like home.

A wonderful next step is to write about the things that make this other place feel like home. You may discover that you can take some small part of the feeling of home with you wherever you go.

3. One thing that scares other people, but doesn’t scare you.

The opposite also works, but requires a gentle touch: One thing doesn’t seem to scare other people, but scares the heck out of you. (I have a long list on this one, which I’m slowly working my way through. It’s not easy, but it feels so good to get out there and do scary things! You’ll find this prompt on this free printable.)

4. One item on your to-do list that looks like work, but feels like fun.

Is that even allowed? Yes, yes it is.

5. One piece of good advice you find easy to give, but hard to follow.

Umm, there’s no way I’ll be able to limit my response to just one piece of advice. If you feel the same way, go ahead and make a list!

6. Three things on your bookshelf other than books.

Some alternatives: Things on your coat rack other than coats. Things in your fridge or pantry other than food. Things in your workstation other than work.

These next four prompts are brand new. I’ll be journaling them for the first time right along with you!

7. One part of your skillset that sounds easy if you haven’t tried it, but is actually quite difficult to do well.

Somewhat related (and a little cheeky): One easy thing you insist on doing the hard way.

8. One trait you admire in others, but sometimes criticize in yourself.

Its opposite feels a little dangerous: One trait you criticize in others, but occasionally (or often?) exhibit yourself. Thinking about it a little further, this is a wonderful subject for journaling. Don’t forget that your journal is a safe, confidential, judgment-free zone where you can write what needs to be written, examine the things that need to be examined, and work through the things that need to be worked through.

9. One old tradition or habit that you’ve adapted to suit new circumstances.

Further reflections could include: Aspects of the tradition you’ve kept. Aspects you’ve changed or discarded. The principles, ideas, or beliefs at the core of this tradition or habit that make you willing to adjust it over time in order to preserve it.

10. One serious thing you’re quite happy not to take seriously.

Its opposite is also intriguing: One silly or nonserious thing that you take very seriously.

Bonus prompt that makes me smile: One dish you make or enjoy that tastes better than it smells.

Its alternative makes me smile even more (because I never add enough salt!): One dish you make or enjoy smells better than it tastes.

Your turn

What do you think? Should we give these a try together? Choose one prompt from the list above and share your answer in the comments! I’ll start things off by adding the first entry below.