O is for Oodles - New alphabet-inspired journal page

As a bit of a word nerd, one of the joys of creating alphabet-inspired journal pages is comparing dictionary definitions of the everyday words featured in each page.

Exciting, I know!

It's a rather specific habit, but it consistently reminds me that it only takes a tiny shift in perspective to make a big (and often delightful) difference in outlook and direction.

Take the word oodles, for example. According to Merriam-Webster and Dictionary.com, oodles are exactly what you'd expect them to be: "a great quantity" and "a large quantity" respectively. Pretty standard. Perfectly acceptable.

Then there's the Cambridge Dictionary. Over at Cambridge, oodles are "a very large amount of something pleasant."

That definition kind of made my day. I couldn't agree more. After all, there are already plenty of serviceable synonyms for large, unpleasant quantities. Numerous. Umpteen. Countless.

Let's keep oodles for the good stuff, like love, ideas, wildflowers, carefully collected keepsakes, art supplies and craft stashes, encouragement, hope, motivation, photos, stories, creative inspiration, opportunities to learn and grow, ways to give, moments together, and good memories -- just to name a few.

What's on your list?

If you'd like to journal the letter o with me, I'll send it to you! In the comments below, tell me one good thing you have oodles of. Not only will you get a head start on the first prompt in this printable, but I'll also send you an email reply in return along with the pdf file* so you can keep journaling!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through n, plus some of my other page projects, here.

* The file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.