Say Yes to 7 Quick New Prompts to Energize Your Journaling: Letter Y

Saying yes can be the simplest thing in the world.

Did you schedule that appointment? Yes. Is this your hat? Yes. Would you like dessert? An enthusiastic yes!

But sometimes, saying yes is like leaping into the unknown. We can't know what we're saying yes to until we dive in and we can't be sure we have what it takes to follow through with the commitment we've made until long after saying yes.

So, to put yourself out there, say yes to something big, and feel glad to have done so – that's worth journaling about!

Here are 7 journal prompts, including three big yeses, inspired by the letter y:

1. One huge responsibility you’re glad you said yes to.

  • This prompt is bursting with opportunities for deeper reflection.

  • After you’ve proudly written about one huge responsibility you’re glad you said yes to, follow up with one way you’re managing your huge responsibility and one huge thing you’ve learned along the way.

2. One complicated challenge you’re glad you said yes to.

  • Ditto to the ideas above!

  • As follow-ups, think about three important steps you’re taking to overcome this challenge and one thing you’ve learned about yourself along the way.

3. One new idea you’re glad you said yes to.

  • Cheering you on as you go out there and try new things!

  • For quick follow-ups, what made this new idea appealing to you and what’s one reason you’re glad you said yes?

4. Yummy things.

  • Make a list of treats and flavours you love. Everyday things and special things. Are they sweet, spicy, sour, salty, or savoury?

  • Add to your list from time to time as you discover new yummy things.

5. One thing about you that’s difficult to understand.

  • This prompt is pure curiosity, shining a light on the unknown parts of ourselves.

  • What’s one thing you’re still trying to understand about yourself? Alternatively, what’s one thing about yourself you have a hard time explaining to others?

6. One thing about you that’s easy to understand.

  • And now an easy one. What’s one thing about you that makes complete sense?

7. One thing that’s going well this year.

  • Regardless of what time of year it is, think back from January 1st to this moment right now. What’s one thing that’s working for you?

  • This could be the beginning of a lovely little list of good stuff in your world. Add one reason each thing is going well and you’ll have another list of tips and tricks for how to keep the good stuff going!

Looking for more alphabet-inspired prompts? I’ve created prompts for every letter of the alphabet. All of them! You’ll find them right here.

How to journal your letter-y prompts:

Here are a few different ideas for reflecting on these letter-y-inspired prompts:

  • Choose one prompt to start with and write your answer in your journal. Be specific and include lots of details. Aha moments are often found in the tiniest details.

  • Share your answer to one of the prompts in the comments below.

  • Send one (or more!) of these prompts to a friend and compare answers.

  • Print my quick and colourful letter-y journal page. It’s part of my alphabet-inspired ebook and includes every single alphabet-inspired prompt.

  • Come back to these prompts again and again in your journal. Look for patterns and themes in your answers and notice what changes over time.

Ever wonder about the benefits of journaling? Join my newsletter to get my free ebook 10 Good Reasons to Journal. It includes 10 journal pages for celebrating your successes, nurturing your voice, sparking your creativity, and more!