Journal pages that don't quite work

A huge part of my creative process involves the pursuit of journal ideas that don't quite work. I know this part very well. Somewhere along the way from initial idea to final draft, a creeping sort of doubt sets in. I find myself staring at the page or screen thinking, hmm, this isn't how I imagined it. Maybe if I try it this way. Nope. How about this way? Also nope.

It takes a lot of nopes, but eventually, in order to move on, I have to concede that an idea isn't quite ready for sharing and might never be. My folders are overflowing with printables and posts in various stages of completion that don't quite work.

Here's an example...

My original idea was to create a variation on my alphabet-inspired pages, with colourful letters serving as writing spaces.

I can't tell you how much fun I had arranging the letters! That little m. Who says all the stems have to be the same length? It was so much fun that I also made a numbers page and a few other variations. I couldn't stop! Writing the prompts was also a treat -- some are easy-breezy and some a little more challenging.

But when the time came to journal the page, writing into those simple letter shapes kind of ruined it for me. The end result looked messy, which is usually fine by me where journaling is concerned, but not in this case. Some letters didn't offer enough space and some offered too much. I mostly sorted it out in a second attempt by writing along the inside borders of letters, but still felt the page needed to be filed away.

Until today.

Today, I thought I'd share it with you anyway.

Maybe it truly doesn't work or maybe it does after all. Or maybe it's a step along the way to a better idea. It's often hard to tell the difference and in the past I've been hesitant to write when I just don't know. But now I'm wondering if sharing what I'm up to, even when it's not quite working, might be an opportunity to chat about our creative projects, to revisit ideas we aren't ready to give up on yet and cheer each other on through the nopes.

I'll start. If you'd like to give this page a try, you can click here or on the image above to download it. I'd love to know your thoughts. Truly. And if sharing ideas that don't quite work -- yet! -- is something you'd like to see more of in future posts, just leave a comment below to let me know that too!

P.S. The pdf page file includes two page sizes: letter and A4.


S is for Sequel - New alphabet-inspired journal page

While experimenting with variations of sequel-related ideas for this page's first prompt, I realized that I don't spend nearly as much time thinking about follow-ups to the stuff that's going well as I spend figuring out next steps when I'm slogging through a problem.

I think it's because day-to-day successes often feel like the end of the process, reaching the goal. Done. But what if we took a moment, every once in a while, to envision a recent achievement, big or small, as the first in a series instead?

Which is why I love the sense of continuity that a sequel evokes -- the next instalment in the franchise, one that builds on what came before, with familiar settings and the characters we've grown to love, but with a whole new set of adventures.

What do you think? What's a fitting sequel to one of your recent accomplishments?

S is for Sequel - printable guided journal page, with colourful pencils, paper clips, notebooks and other colourful prints and papers

If you'd like to journal the letter s with me, I'll send it to you! In the comments below, tell me one possible sequel to one of your recent accomplishments. Not only will you get a head start on the first prompt in this printable, but I'll also send a reply in return along with the pdf file* so you can keep journaling!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through r, plus some of my other page projects, here.

P.P.S. As always, there's no need to limit yourself to one idea in that first prompt. Why not consider two or three (or more!) possibilities and move forward with the one you like the best?

* The file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.


R is for Rationale - New alphabet-inspired journal page

Starting our latest alphabet-inspired journal page with a prompt about rationale feels a little risky. It tends to put a person on the defensive when you ask them about their rationale for that thing they're up to, don't you think? As in, explain yourself! I worried this could be off-putting. (Especially since I haven't posted in a while.)

But I hope you'll bear with me because I think there's another way to look at it.

My trusty Gage Canadian Dictionary, circa 1983, charmingly defines rationale as "the whys and wherefores." To me, this description feels less like an inquisition and more like an invitation to explore the reasons we do the stuff we do everyday.

That's how I've approached the first prompt on this page -- as a way to look more deeply into one of my everyday things. Because, and this is my thinking, an affirming sense of purpose resides in the why. It's a lovely reminder that even the smallest, most ordinary parts of our days are meaningful and part of a bigger whole.

And, if there happens to be one thing you're up to that doesn't have a why or it has a wherefore that no longer works for you, perhaps there are tweaks or alternatives that could make an impact on your day. And where better than your journal to sort through the possibilities and map out new ways forward?

If you'd like to journal the letter r with me, I'll send it to you! In the comments below, tell me your rationale for one thing you're up to today. Not only will you get a head start on the first prompt in this printable, but I'll also send a reply in return along with the pdf file* so you can keep journaling!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through q, plus some of my other page projects, here.

P.P.S. Another charming Gage definition related to this page -- ramble: "wander about for pleasure." Love this!

P.P.P.S. After writing my rationale, I took the prompt a step further and wrote a rationale for my rationale. The why behind the why. I'm quite thrilled with the result -- a lovely little list of new ideas to consider. If you give it a try, I'd love to hear how it goes. :)

* The file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.


Q is for Quick - New alphabet-inspired journal page

Chapter Q in my lovely old dictionary was quite a quick read for today's alphabet-inspired journal page. Only 7 pages of q words!

To me, this letter q page feels very much rooted in the everyday, with quick thoughts in the moment, qualities you admire, and questions you're happy to answer, among other experiences and encounters. No quests for paradoxes this time!

Still, I was surprised while journaling the first quick prompt, as I often am in the course of regular, everyday journaling, by just how much there is to notice and appreciate in a given moment. I was reminded that a quick pause to take stock, even in the middle of the busiest of days, can gift you with a new perspective or sense of direction.

I hope you'll find a quick moment of inspiration in your journaling today!

If you're familiar with my previous letter pages, this is the part where I usually write, "If you'd like to journal the letter q with me, I'll send it to you!"

Today, I'm switching things up a bit. Keeping to our quick theme I've made today's q page available right now. You can click here or on the image above for a speedy download*.

If you're looking forward to our usual email chat, I’d still like to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me one quick thing you appreciate about this moment right now. I'll write back with my quick thoughts and so much appreciation for yours!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through p, plus some of my other page projects, here.

* The letter q pdf file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.


Backstitch journals

Tinkering with a new journal project. These are the first four tiny journals, each containing short journal entries focusing on one step forward in my thinking and doing.

I’ve pared down my process to two simple prompts: “last time,” then “this time”. Each new journal is connected to the one that came before. One journal’s “this time” is the next journal’s “last time,” which gives me the chance look back for a moment and reflect on what I’ve done so far before deciding what to do next.

That forward-backward rhythm reminds me of the backstitch in sewing and embroidery, which creates a strong, unbroken line by bringing new stitches back to connect with the ones that came before — until finally you’ve created something that endures.


A new journal page collaboration with Derek Tellier

Two journalers, one journal page. How exciting is that?

I'm thrilled to share a new set of journal pages created in collaboration with Derek Tellier, a dedicated 5th and 6th grade teacher, journaler, thinker about the world today and young people's experience of it, and a huge supporter of his students' learning and growth.

We began our journal project with the understanding that recognizing good things about ourselves and our efforts doesn't always come easily or naturally. It takes time, effort, patience, and courage to reflect on our abilities and accomplishments and to share them with the people around us.

So why not make it a team effort? Why not create a journal experience that encourages positive exchanges of observations between journalers on the things they do and make?

The result is a set of pages made for swapping.

It begins very much like previous journal adventures, with a set of prompts inviting you to write about one thing you do well or know how to make.

Here's the twist:

After you describe your process for doing or making your thing, you hand your page to a second journaler who is invited to add their reflections before passing the page back to you for some final thoughts.

Derek's students have been enthusiastic participants every step of the way. They worked through early versions of these pages, providing feedback on their experiences and suggestions for improvement.

Here's what they've said along the way:

Filling this out made me realize how many things I don't realize.

I found it a bit challenging, cause when we look at ourselves, it's hard to tell what you're good at. This made us really look at what we have done, and how we do it. I like this because it makes us more aware of who we are.

I thought it was kind of cool because at first I didn't know what I was good at, so I wrote the first thing that came to mind and how other people thought on how I did that made it easier to understand that I'm better at doing that thing than I thought I was.

They're already asking when we'll have more journal pages ready for them!

Derek’s classroom

Derek Tellier

We won't be running out of ideas for new pages anytime soon! This project has opened the door to other exciting avenues of exploration around meaningful feedback, the impact of words, and asking constructive questions.

For now though, these pages still feel very much like works in progress. We'd love for you to try them with your class, discussion group, or meeting participants. They work with groups of any size, but all it really takes is two or more journalers to get the ball rolling.

If you don't have a group in mind, invite your best friend, colleague, parent, or child to write with you. I've journaled both pages with my 14-year-old daughter and we ended up having fascinating discussions about the things we love to do and make.

And please let us know how it goes!

We'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback and suggestions on making these pages the best they can be. Send us a note or leave a quick comment below anytime.

You'll find both pages all ready for download right here.*

We hope they’ll spark delightful insights and fantastic conversations!

*This page is offered in two sizes: letter and A4.


K is for Kaboom! - New alphabet-inspired journal page

As soon as I added kaboom! to my list of potential k-words for this page, I knew I wanted to use it. I pictured that comic book illustration, you know the one, with the bold kaboom! lettering and puffs of smoke and stars bursting out from all sides. It's such a fun word, especially when you add an exclamation mark!

I settled in to write an exciting new journal prompt and quickly discovered that all of my initial ideas involved destruction. Things were going kaboom! all over the place. And, just like that, it didn't feel like fun anymore. For a while, I replaced kaboom! with other words and wrote other prompts.

But I kept coming back to it. Maybe I could turn it around or upside down or inside out. After all, thinking about opposites and contradictions is one of my favourite ways to explore new perspectives in my journal.

So, I turned my attention to things that don't go kaboom!. Which reminded me of the hero of the story (that's you, by the way!), who swoops in, uses their superpowers to keep things from kabooming! all over the place, and saves the day. Suddenly, I had a new prompt!

I hope the kaboom! on this page reminds you of the ways you persevere, overcome, and follow through on the projects that matter to you.


If you'd like to journal the letter k with me, I'll send it to you! In the comments below, tell me one project you've kept from going kaboom! Not only will you get a head start on the first prompt in this printable, but I'll also send a reply in return along with the pdf file* so you can keep journaling!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through j, plus some of my other page projects, here.

* The file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.


J is for Jettison - New alphabet-inspired journal page

I used to think of the word jettison in simple terms, as a synonym for throw away or toss out, but after coming across it in my dictionary while working on today's alphabet-inspired journal page, I realized I've been missing an important part of its meaning.

Yes, it's about getting rid of something, but it's the why that makes it special. Jettisoning is about removing something in order to lighten the load. It's the thing you do to keep a heavy cargo from bringing the plane down or sinking the ship. It's the thing you do to keep going.

It has interesting parallels when you think about it from a personal perspective. Are there parts of your day, for example, that weigh you down? Things that make it difficult to get to the end of the day feeling like you're still in one piece? If you could jettison one of those things, even just for today, would it lighten your load and make it easier to keep flying?

In my own planning, I've been thinking about it in terms of narrowing my focus. What's one important thing I want to accomplish today? Is there anything on my to-do list for the day that makes it more difficult to accomplish that one thing? What would happen if I jettisoned it?

Poof! It's off the list! Not necessarily forever, just until I get the important thing done. Then I can circle back, but with the added confidence and motivation of having achieved something that matters to me.

How about you? Is there one task, big or small, you can jettison from your day in order to lighten your load?


If you'd like to journal the letter j with me, I'll send it to you! In the comments below, tell me one item you'd like to jettison from your to-do list today. Not only will you get a head start on the first prompt in this printable, but I'll also send an email in return along with the pdf file* so you can keep journaling!

P.S. If you're new to this alphabet-inspired journal series, I'm sharing the process with you -- and these printable journal pages! -- as I go. You can find more information about pages a through i, plus some of my other page projects, here.

* The file will include two page sizes: letter and A4.