In my journal today . . .


I’m finally finding my rhythm in a project that feels overwhelming in scope and difficulty. I was reminded today, after a few false starts and more than a few postponements, that doing the hard work feels so much better than avoiding it — so much so that I’m adding that thought to my journal.

What are you working on today?


What/who are you admiring today?

It’s March! Time to start a new journal calendar page and I can’t wait!

Today’s prompt is “admired.” Lately, I’ve been admiring kindness. I’m seeing examples all over the place — at home, in my community, in my inbox, out in the world. I think I’ll write a lovely little list of kindnesses I’ve encountered or observed recently.

How about you? What/who are you admiring today?


Reverse engineer your day - new 10-minute journal pages!

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about reverse engineering your day — starting with the way you’d like your day to end and working your way backward from there to figure out how you’ll make it happen.

Since then, I’ve been working on turning that idea into a new set of 10-Minute printable journal pages. I’ve just posted them all in my shop and this first one (in the photo above) is free! If you’d like to give it a try, just click on the photo above or right here to download it.

The rest of the pages in the set take the idea even further — from a page dedicated to thinking about how you’d like to feel at the end of the day to a page for testing out one of your new ideas by day’s end. I hope you’ll love them all!


Tell me about your day


The longer I journal, the more I appreciate the stories of our days. Short enough to wrap our heads around, long enough to recognize the actions and reactions, big and small, that made a difference.

When we tie those stories together over weeks and months, moments become patterns, choices become paths, and, if we’re so inclined, the insights that emerge become opportunities for transformation. It’s a line of inquiry I find endlessly fascinating, with boundless potential.

If you’re up for sharing, tell me a little something about your day today. What’s one thing, big or small, you did today that made it better — more productive, more impactful, more enjoyable, or more interesting?


Patterns journal


Trying something new over here — when am I not trying something new? — a little journal to keep track of painted page and pattern experiments.

These aren’t the originals, but scanned and printed copies. Mostly to see how they scan and print and copy. Possibly material for future printables. Possibly not. I’m not entirely sure where I’m headed with this, but I do love the journey.


Reverse engineer your day


I wrote this margin note after reading a fascinating chapter on learning outcomes and wondering how to apply its principles to daily living. This little snippet of an idea emerged: what if, instead of thinking about your day from the morning forward, you worked your way backward? What if you thought about how you’d like your day to end and then what you could do to make it happen? What if you reverse engineered your days?