What if you don't even feel that way anymore?


I read a passage recently about using reflection to be mindful of old emotions in new circumstances. I wrote in the margin and then my journal: what if you don’t even feel that way anymore?

It’s such a simple formula for letting go of an old hurt or insecurity. And when you do, it’s incredibly gratifying to realize you’ve grown to the point that something that might have ruined your day once upon a time, is now easily dismissed in favour of more constructive thoughts and experiences.


What did you notice today?

Happy New Year, friends! I’ve just filled in January 2nd on my printable journal calendar and thought it might be fun to share my entries this month.

Today, first and foremost, I noticed the weather. It’s freezing! Thankfully, it’s not windy, so our trip to the dog park this morning was quite pleasant. While we were there, I noticed that our puppy, Sundae, seems much happier playing among many dogs than one on one. As more and more dogs arrive, she bounces from dog to dog, saying hello and making friends, hoping one or two will give her a good chase. It’s such fun to watch and after a few too many late nights, decadent treats, and out-of-town visits during the holidays, it’s lovely to get back to our usual routines.

What did you notice today?


A Year In The Life Journal Calendar

Just in time for 2019, I made a printable journal calendar! It's jam-packed with more than 200 prompts that make it fun and easy to capture a memorable moment every day from January 1st to December 31st.

I’ve always believed that journaling brings together two important actions — the creation of a unique life’s record and the opportunity to find meaning and direction right there in the middle of it all.

But the longer I journal, the more I see that there’s even more to it than that. Equally valuable to the record created and the meaning and direction chosen is the potential for journaling to develop, strengthen, and broaden the mind and spirit.

The longer I journal, the more fascinating details I notice out there in the world, the more often I’m able to turn my attention to the things that matter most, even on my worst days, and the more deeply I’m able to appreciate each step along the way.

Long story short, it’s not just the journal, it’s the way that journaling sends us out into the world with curiosity, a desire to notice and take meaningful action, and an ever-better understanding of how to make the best of our own lives in our own way and in our own time.

Even if it starts with just a moment or two of reflection each day in a printable journal calendar.

Sending you my very best wishes for the remainder of 2018 and for a year to come filled with wonder and boundless possibilities for discovery.


To see it all as if for the first time


I’ve been reading up on critical reflection and making lots of margin notes. This one — to see it all as if for the first time — made it into my journal last week, along with snippets of paper I lined, dashed, and dotted.

It’s part reminder and part inspiration for future printables — to find new ways to see and experience everyday events, to remember how it felt the first time, to notice the little details that make repeated routines unique, to be grateful the first time and the hundredth time.

I’m thinking it might come together in a new 10 minute journal page. I’ll keep you posted!


Being You

I didn’t realize until I took this picture — of a bit of journal experimentation using one of my favourite printable prompts as a template — that the page itself reveals aspects of what it feels like to be me: colour-inspired, enthusiastically chaotic in my approach to new ideas, and, in so many ways, a work in progress. All of which I’m slowly learning to embrace — rather than reject as personal shortcomings.

Such an unexpected turn of events, which is so often the case when I go wandering in my journal. I haven’t even glued anything down yet or written my three words! Who knows what will happen next?

How about you? Right this moment, what does it feel like to be you?


Leap! - a new colourful words journal page

I love everything about the word leap. It’s super-short, but it conjures up lively images of leaping for joy, leaping over puddles, and, when required, leaping the occasional tall building. It’s also the subject of a long list of sayings denoting progress, surprise, growth, and delight — all excellent food for thought and the inspiration for my newest colourful words journal page.

I had such a wonderful time writing the prompts for this page that I ended up taking a little leap of my own — from journal making to pattern making. I wondered if I could create some simple background patterns for pages in my journal. I played with shapes and colours in Illustrator and ended up with several options, which I printed and included in the photo above. But now I’m also wondering if I can find a fun way to include colourful patterns in my journal pages . . .

In the meantime, I hope this page will inspire you to leap to your journal and start writing!


One thing you do like no one else

I started a new journal today, which always feel so good. Oh, the possibilities!

I knew exactly what I wanted on the first page — a new do your thing printable I’ve been working on. I printed the half-letter version and glued it right onto page one.

It was such fun to create a whole page with huge type and just one prompt. I’ve already got my response in mind . . . of course, as so often happens, I can’t keep it to just one thing. So far, I’ve got optimism, journal pages, apple crisp, and a few more — all of which I’ll write there, on the first page, to remind me whenever I need it, to do my thing.

If you’d like a copy of my do your thing printable journal page, you’ll find it right here — and it’s free!

What do you do like no one else?